Hello everyone,
It's Dmytry Lavrov's personal web site. It mostly contains my artwork and some software projects. Click on the thumbnails on top to quickly navigate to graphical pages.
About me: I enjoy mathematics, computer graphics, sciences, biking, programming, photographing, and things like that.
Current project:

Polynomial 2: a very beautiful 3D space shooter.
I do contract work in special effects industry,
see top of this page for couple examples of use of my software in TV ads. I also work as programmer.
I have experience in 3D software development (both with non-realtime software rendering and realtime hardware/OpenGL rendering), image processing, user interfaces (C++ , Python: wxWidgets, Java: Swing), network programming, concurrent/multithreaded programming, web programming (Python, CherryPy, Cheetah, Javascript, Java Applets),
multi-platform application development with C++ (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), databases (SQL, Posgres), some physics programming (custom engines, Newton SDK).
My primary programming language is C++, though I sometimes work with Java and Python.
Currently, I'm mostly using Linux, both for job and personal work, but I also develop for Windows and OS X.
Other things:

Volumetrics 3D clouds renderer, video and still gallery.

Voxel World - my old terrain renderer from 2004.
I posted that idea to SUCCESS student contest organized by
European Space Agency, and visited Cologne (Koln) :-)
Mathematical art...
In some sense, VoxelWorld is a "math art" too....
Miscellaneous stuff:

int(x=0,1,|sin(x^x/a+b)|*dx) =>
Alternative spellings of my name in Latin (for search engines):
Dmytry Lavrov, Dmytri Lavrov, Dmytriy Lavrov, Dmitry Lavrov, Dmitri Lavrov, Dmitriy Lavrov, Dimytry Lavrov, Dimytri Lavrov, Dimytriy Lavrov, Dimitry Lavrov, Dimitri Lavrov, Dimitriy Lavrov, Dymytry Lavrov, Dymytri Lavrov, Dymytriy Lavrov, Dymitry Lavrov, Dymitri Lavrov, Dymitriy Lavrov.
(made from D[|i|y]m[y|i]tr[y|i|iy] with a pattern expander)